Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

Description of the training project

Description of the training project

Description of the training project

Starting from the XXXVIII cycle, the Ph.D. Course in Legal Sciences, in agreement between the Universities of Parma and Modena-Reggio Emilia, envisages the performance of a plurality of higher education activities, throughout the three-year period, articulated in various types.

First of all, the doctoral course intends to enhance - from the first year - interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary/transdisciplinary activities, through the provision of various teachings (identified and described in the training project at the link in this page), dealing with topics of general legal interest or, in any case, transversal for the training of doctoral students. The related courses (some delivered exclusively in English) will be taught by professors of I and II fascia and RTD-B researchers, as well as by experts in the various scientific disciplinary fields involved, so as to encourage the acquisition of skills and professionalism really appropriate to the training objectives of the course (described below), on the methodological level, on that of reasoning and analysis in the legal field, of the in-depth knowledge required at the level of professional outlets. In addition to these courses, there is also teaching aimed at perfecting the language skills of doctoral students in the legal field.

These teaching activities will take place - in particular although not exclusively - in the first year of the doctoral program, so as to allow doctoral students, on the one hand, to acquire a solid and interdisciplinary "initial" training, including on methodological profiles and the tools necessary for research; on the other hand, to leave them the opportunity in the following years to refine their skills in specific disciplinary areas, including through periods of residence abroad, in view, then, of the writing of the doctoral thesis.

The doctoral course also plans to strengthen the theoretical skills of the doctoral students through the holding of lectures (also in foreign languages) on legal topics related to individual disciplinary scientific fields referable to Area 12, held by professors of I or II fascia or RTD-B researchers, also external to the College of Teachers, Italian or foreign, as well as by experts in the subject, also foreign.

Finally, the doctoral course intends to enrich the training of doctoral students by encouraging their participation in conferences, study meetings, and seminars (typically, though not exclusively, organized or sponsored by universities, including foreign ones, and by national or international research bodies), including abroad, which from time to time will be accredited as moments of common, interdisciplinary or sector teaching.


The main objectives that the Doctoral Course in Legal Sciences aims to achieve are:

a) the training of highly qualified researchers capable of carrying out high-profile research activities within the scope of the topics of the scientific - disciplinary fields of reference. The acquisition of the PhD degree will facilitate access to various professional careers. Ph.D. graduates, on the one hand, will be able to find employment at national and international universities or research institutions, continuing their activity in the field of "pure" legal research; on the other hand, spending the acquired skills on a more pragmatic level, they will be able to find employment in the business sphere, public administration, not only at the central level, as well as international organizations (operating, for example, in the field of the protection of fundamental rights and judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters);

b) the deepening of knowledge necessary for access to traditional jobs in the legal sphere, freelance (lawyers, notaries) or in the public sector (judiciary, management careers).

Intended employment and professional outlets

In light of the broad educational offerings of the Course, the training of the doctoral student consists of a common general and multidisciplinary base that provides suitable tools for application in a wide area of professional fields of law. Job prospects may, thus, vary in relation to each doctoral student's area of specialization, as well as to the latter's identification, in agreement with his or her tutor (and always in compliance with the minimum limits with regard to teaching-related obligations), of the activities pertaining to the areas of his or her greatest interest.

In this respect, scientific teaching and research support activities are intended to train mainly researchers for the University, equipped with solid legal culture and high methodological and critical skills.

Another professional figure trained will be that of the expert jurist, capable of grasping the peculiarities of the pluralistic phenomenon, which affects socially relevant issues in the various areas, including professional ones, of the legal sciences (in civil law, in the international-private and European spheres; in the various articulations of public law, such as constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law and procedural law).

Obiettivi del corso

Gli obiettivi principali che il Corso di dottorato in Scienze Giuridiche mira a conseguire sono:
a) la formazione di ricercatori di elevata qualificazione, in grado di svolgere attività di ricerca di alto profilo nell'ambito delle tematiche dei settori scientifico - disciplinari di riferimento. L'acquisizione del titolo di dottore di ricerca favorirà l'accesso a varie carriere professionali. I dottori di ricerca, da un lato, potranno trovare impiego presso Università o enti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali, proseguendo la propria attività nel campo della ricerca giuridica “pura”; dall'altro, spendendo le competenze acquisite su un piano maggiormente pragmatico, potranno trovare impiego nell'ambito aziendale, della pubblica amministrazione, non solo a livello centrale, nonché delle organizzazioni internazionali (operanti, esemplificativamente, nel settore della tutela dei diritti fondamentali e della cooperazione giudiziaria in ambito civile e penale);

b) l'approfondimento delle conoscenze necessarie per l'accesso ai tradizionali impieghi lavorativi in ambito giuridico, di libera professione (avvocatura, notariato) o nel settore pubblico (magistratura, carriere dirigenziali).

Sbocchi occupazionali e professionali previsti

Alla luce dell'ampia offerta didattica del Corso, la formazione del dottorando si compone di una base comune generale e multidisciplinare che fornisce strumenti idonei a trovare applicazione in una vasta area di settori professionali di ambito giuridico. Le prospettive lavorative possono, così, variare in relazione all'area di specializzazione di ciascun dottorando, nonché all'individuazione da parte di quest'ultimo, in accordo con il proprio tutor (e sempre nel rispetto dei limiti minimi in ordine agli adempimenti relativi alla didattica), delle attività afferenti alle aree di suo maggiore interesse.
Sotto tale profilo, la didattica scientifica e le attività di supporto alla ricerca intendono formare principalmente ricercatori per l'Università, dotati di solida cultura giuridica ed elevate capacità metodologiche e critiche.
Altra figura professionale formata sarà quella del giurista esperto, capace di cogliere le peculiarità del fenomeno pluralistico, che interessa questioni socialmente rilevanti nei vari ambiti, anche professionali, delle scienze giuridiche (nel diritto civile, nell'ambito internazional-privatistico ed europeo; nelle diverse articolazioni del diritto pubblico, quali il diritto costituzionale, il diritto amministrativo, il diritto penale e quello processuale).

Regolamento a partire dal ciclo 38

Prendere visione del REGOLAMENTO DEI CORSI PER IL CONSEGUIMENTO DEL DOTTORATO DI RICERCA (in applicazione del DM 226/2021) in vigore dal 38° CICLO pubblicato QUI

News Dottorato

Pubblicato il regolamento del Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Giuridiche

Breaking news!!!

Dal 26 aprile al 6 giugno ciclo di lezioni Prof. M. Vitiello in aula IV Sede Centrale


La lezione del prof.Vitiello prevista per il 26 aprile è sospesa.


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