Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

Career guidance (or post-graduation) is a service that aims to guide undergraduate and graduate students toward the world of work through various activities and initiatives.

Career guidance services

The Career guidance service is mainly carried out by the staff of the degree program and the Orientation and Job Placement OU.


  • the degree program, through the delegate or delegate of the Department, organizes and publicizes meetings with representatives of the world of work (e.g. professionals, public officials, entrepreneurs, etc.) in order to explain to students the characteristics of individual activities and the challenges that graduates will face at the end of their university education.
  • The U.O. Orientation and Job Placement organizes a series of orientation interventions to accompany towards the world of work those who are about to finish or have already finished a university course of studies, encouraging the improvement of soft skills and knowledge of professional profiles and related opportunities.

The major services offered to undergraduates and graduates are:

  • job vacancies bulletin board where all job proposals offered by companies, institutions and organizations registered in various capacities on the AlmaLaurea portal;
  • job opportunity, publication of opportunities for female students/students, undergraduates;
  • Job day, annual event aimed at fostering the direct relationship between companies and undergraduates/graduates of the University of Parma;
  • seminars and meetings on how to write a resume and cover letter, how to successfully deal with a job interview (individual and group interview simulations), etc.;
  • guidance internships (or internships), reserved for college graduates within twelve months of receiving their academic degree.

In addition, ER.GO., on the page 'Job Orientation', also provides various support services to recent graduates.

Career guidance delegate

► Delegate of the Degree Courses in Law and Political Science: Prof. Francesco Mazzacuva

Delegate of the Degree Courses in Social Work: Prof. Chiara Scivoletto

Delegate of the Second-cycle degree course in  Global food law: sustainability challenges and innovation  - 

Postgraduate orientation meetings organized by the department

A.Y. 2023/2024 meetings

⇒"Exams never end. Post-Graduation Orientation Meetings"


For more information see the page of individual Degree Programs:

Master's Degree Program in Law

Bachelor's Degree Program in Social Service -Bachelor's Degree Program in Social Service Planning and Management

Degree Course in Political Science and International Relations


Wednesday, March 11, 11.30 - Flag Room
Meeting with lawyer Paolo Lannutti, National Head of the mediation body Equitas ADR "Praise for Conflict. Purposes and methodologies for an effective mediation procedure"

Wednesday, March 11, 1 p.m.-Aula della Bandiera
Meeting with lawyer Francesco Coruzzi, Councillor of the Parma Bar Association and AIGA member "Lawyering between business and freelance profession"

Wednesday, March 18, 11.30 - Aula dei Filosofi
Meeting with Dr. Renato Gaeta, Federmanager Culture Commission, and Dr. Lucio Riva, Barilla Group Legal Affairs Office Manager "What Opportunities for Law Graduates in the Corporate World."

- See more at:

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The Department of Law, Political and International Studies, with the collaboration of the O.U. Orientation and Job Placement, organizes activities to guide students in the phase of choosing a course of study, during their studies and after graduation.
Find out moreOrientation